Are you sitting at work for quite a long period of time every day If yes then you ought to be watchful and sit right because your sitting posture does affect your health in the long run

TipOfTheWeek, EthosIndia, Ahmedabad, EthosHR, Recruitment, CareerGuide, India

Ethos India,  TipOfTheWeek, EthosIndia, Ahmedabad, EthosHR, Recruitment, CareerGuide, India

Are you sitting at work for quite a long period of time every-day?

If yes, then you ought to be watchful and sit right because your sitting posture does affect your health in the long run.

#TipOfTheWeek #EthosIndia #Ahmedabad #EthosHR #Recruitment #CareerGuide #India

Are you sitting at work for quite a long period of time every-day? If yes, then you ought to be watchful and sit right because your sitting posture does affect your health in the long run. #TipOfTheWeek #EthosIndia #Ahmedabad #EthosHR #Recruitment #CareerGuide #India

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